I LOVE this project! First of all Superstore had their anti-bacterial pillows on with a coupon for buy 1 for $10 get 1 for $1. I bought 8 for this project. Total $44. I don't think $5.50 is bad for a pillow but you could buy cheaper if you wanted. I liked the anti-bacterial because I knew they would be on the floor. Then, according to the pictures on Pinterest, you sew together 5 pillowcases, insert pillows and then sew them closed. I wanted to be able to wash the covers, so that wasn't going to work for me. I considered fabric, but that would be too expensive. I considered buying sheets, which may have worked and I also considered King size pillowcases. But then I would still need a way to open and close them. I considered Velcro, snaps and zippers, but none were perfect. Until...I thought of pillow shams. They have built in closures and the flanges allow them to be sewn together without squishing your pillows inside. I found a 2 pack of standard shams at Sears Outlet Store for $3. I bought 4 packages. Total $12. I had cashed in my points for a $10 gift card, so my actual cost for the shams was Total $2. This made my total per pillow mat $21. I can live with that. My Mom sewed them together, overlapping the flanged edges. We inserted the pillows and TA DA!

Left flat they make a padded sleeping mat. The front and backs above and 1 picture with my models! The patterned backs should help to not show the dirt too. Genius!
This is with one pillow folded underneath for watching a movie or playing games.
And my models of course!

This is with 2 pillows folded underneath. Makes a great chair for reading or gaming. As you can see my models have now decided to cuddle together. I love my models!
What a great idea, I bet your children love them.
Thanks for the kind words on my blog.
Have a great day.
Suzie xx
Hello Barb. Thank you so much for visiting my little blog and for your great comments. What a surprise to learn that you are from Canada, my brother-in law and his family live in Fort Saskatchewan and they too have just built their own home. I married the non DIY brother!!! so no self-build here in Derbyshire. I shall go and have a quick wander around your blog before popping out to attend a local craft fayre. I have a stall there where i hope to sell some of my goodies. Enjoy your evening
Sylvia x
Oh these are great but I think us humans in this house hold would be beaten by the animal members to use them if they were here lol
anyway just to tell you thanks for comments on blog and the gorgeous man was Johnny Depp I dooo looooove this man although some of his films are a bit wacky doesn't stop me drooling lol
Jacki xx
hi barb
had to stop by and say thanks so much for your wonderful comments on my blog .
These pillow mats are just fantastic ,what a clever idea.i bet the children are having loads of fun with them ,they would be a great adea for camping holidays too...and so cost effective .
have a great weekend
tracey x
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